That was what I was going to post as I haven't been around since September but wanted to send wishes to all.
However, doing the rounds of blogging friends I looked in on Ladybird World Mother and her post gave me inspiration to do a longer post.
When my son was about 5/6 years old he made a shepherd, at school (he is now 43). It is a treasured part of Christmas for me and each year I bring it out from it's wrappings and place it under our tree.
As some of you may know son and his family lived in Australia for 7 years returning to UK in March this year. A couple of weeks ago they came to visit to exchange Christmas gifts and knowing this I decorated the Christmas tree early for the children to enjoy. Naturally, Shepherd took up his usual place. While the family were here I pointed out the shepherd and told my grandchildren that their Daddy had made it when he was a little boy at school. My son chuckled. He said "I can remember making it; it's made of a Fairy Liquid bottle and a papier mache head". His children were duly impressed but chuckled too as they looked at this strange and wonderfully weird shepherd.

So, as well as a thank you to Ladybird World Mother (I can recommend her blog highly) I would like to say again to you all - I wish you a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year.