I just want to explain why I haven't been able to visit fellow bloggers very much during the past few days.
Saturday evening, just as I was about to get ready for bed we received a telephone call from my 88 year old mother telling us that she had just fallen over. We went straight round to her and OH managed to get her onto her feet and into a chair. We stayed with her whilst she recovered from the initial shock and I asked her should I call the doctor. "no" she said, "I just want to get to bed". She wanted to freshen up first and I helped her in the bathroom and then into bed. Asked again, should I call the doctor. She was complaining of pains in her right side. Another refusal. I listened carefully to her breathing and it seemed OK so I left, somewhat reluctantly, after explaining that if she needed to call during the night, at whatever time, she must do so.
I didn't sleep too well, kept thinking perhaps I should have called the doctor. However, dawn finally came and at 7 am another call from mum to say could I go round please. Off we went again, fortunately it is only about a 5 minute drive. Once there it was obvious that she was quite distressed so I got straight on the phone to obtain an "out of hours" number from her doctor's surgery. Number obtained I made a call and was asked a few questions about "the patient" and was told a doctor would ring shortly. Sure enough, about 10 minutes later a "doctor" rang. He also asked a few questions then asked if mum's breathing was OK. I confirmed it was. Then he asked was there any blood. No, no blood. Then "has she any painkillers" and when I said there was, "OK just take them as and when necessary for pain. I was incensed. "Does that mean you aren't sending a doctor" I asked. He replied "Oh do you want a doctor to call"? Then I exploded, "I certainly do want a doctor to call. My mother is 88, has had a fall and is in extreme pain". I had already told him these facts. So he reluctantly agreed to send someone along, "within 4 hours". Thank you!
About half an hour later a paramedic arrived. A very pleasant young man called Steve. I explained the situation and he examined my mum. He was so kind and gentle and thorough and was with us for an hour. She has cracked ribs! No treatment, no X-ray or strapping these days, just painkillers. He asked if I was able to keep a close eye on her as pneumonia could be a danger at this stage, although he was happy with her breathing. Her temperature was slightly raised but her blood pressure was quite normal! He left us with full instructions of how she should be looked after and with stronger painkillers.
So since Sunday I have been mostly at my mum's. Sleeping there at night and for most of each day although I have managed a few hours at home from time to time. I shall be there for the weekend too, mostly. My daughter is visiting for Easter so will help out a couple of times I expect.
Mum is still in a lot of pain but is improving and is reasonably cheerful.
Happy Easter everyone. I hope to see you and catch up soon.