These are some that we have collected over the years. The top square one is of a set of 4 given to us by friends. The white round set on the right we bought in Nelson, New Zealand and the wooden Australia shape in the centre came from Adelaide. The veteran car coasters are plastic and quite old themselves but it is the curious orange one that has the story.
As well as having a late night chat show, Graham Norton hosts a radio show on Saturday mornings and part of the show is "Tune with a Tale" - the clue is in the title! To take part in the show you have to suggest a tune that has a story to tell. I decided to apply and to my surprise, within a few days, was asked to take part on a particular week. The programme was live and I was able to chat to Graham Norton for a few minutes before my chosen tune was played. I was very nervous but he was very friendly and put me at my ease. For my trouble I received a set of coasters. He jokes about the quality of the coasters and once I received them I wrote to say that I was lost for words when I saw them. He read my comment out on the radio and chuckled and said "I hear what you are saying Anne".
My choice of song was Country and Western - "Rock and Roll I gave you the best years of my Life".
Thanks to Mrs Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Wednesday team. For more looks at the letter C, please click here.