Wednesday, 19 September 2012

ABC Wednesday - J

J is for:

JACOB, my grandson who will be 12 years old on Thursday. He is still at JUNIOR school and will go to High school next year. After school he JUST likes to wear JEANS and JERSEYS or JACKETS. He writes stories in his JOTTER and loves to tell JOKES which means we all have a JOLLY time. He is a JOY and I love him. Happy Birthday JACOB.

Thanks to Mrs Denise Nesbitt and the ABC Wednesday team. For more looks at the letter J, please click here.


Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour Jacob,
Please to meet you!You are an adorable boy!
purrs and love to you all

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Anne, your grandson is a handsome young man. BHappy Birthday Jacob!

Winifred said...

What a bonnie lad Anne! Happy birthday Jacob!

Roger Owen Green said...

handsome lad, for sure
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Maggie May said...

Happy Birthday to Jacob. What a handsome young man.
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Chubskulit Rose said...

Happy birthday to Jacob.

Juice in Jars
Your comment always bring joy to me, so leave me one when you can.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Hildred said...

I fine looking boy, - happy birthday to Jacob, - you must be very proud of him Anne.

Wanda said...

Jacob is a very handsome young man. I have a grandson Jon the same age.

Tito Eric said...

Happy birthday, Jacob!

I like the lead photo that features some bread and strawberry jam.

Cheers! Visiting from ABC Wednesday!

Here's mine:

ADDY said...

What a gorgeous looking lad. He's oing to grow up into a stunner.

ADDY said...


Ingrid said...

Handsome boy ! My grandson will be 2 in November !

photowannabe said...

You have a handsome grandson.
I have to say that every time I visit your blog and see that header of the homemade bread and jam, you make my mouth water.
There is nothing like that taste. Yumm

Gill - That British Woman said...

I agree he is a very handsome young man.

Hope you're doing well?

Gill in Canada

Pam said...

I hope Jacob had a terrific birthday. What a good looking young man he is! x

Unknown said...

Belated happy birthday to jacob. looking very smart