A few days ago OH and I decided it was time we got round to hanging some of our pictures. All the unpacking is done and most of our possessions sorted and in situ or disposed of. We began in our little hall with a picture, a plate and the barometer. It was then it dawned on me that this was not going to be easy or relaxing! However, all went well there and we moved into our sitting room. Now, perhaps I should explain that OH is most definitely not a DIY-er. He does whatever needs to be done with minimum effort, except that it usually turns out to be with maximum effort! Now don't get me wrong, he is not a lazy man, in fact he has loads of energy and is always on the go, he is just not "handy". And, he has a heart of gold and that's what really counts. Anyway, back to the pictures. The first one we wanted to hang in our sitting room is fairly large and, I thought, needed to have two hangers on the wall to hold it safely. I persuaded OH that this was the case and he proceeded to fix the first of them. He then tried to guess as to where the second hanger should be placed. After a bit of discussion I got him a tape, a pencil and the steps and the picture was duly hung. (I thought it was actually a bit high but it was a joint decision so kept quiet and made a note to self to resolve that at first opportunity). Next it was two fairly small pictures which we decided to put into an alcove, one above the other.
By this time I was getting fidgety, wanting to do the job myself. I had to restrain myself from grabbing the hammer out of his hand as I reckoned this could be interpreted as being somewhat inflammatory and kept my hands firmly behind my back. OH measured to get the width of the space and hung the first of the two pictures and then said "do you think this looks about centre" to which I replied as calmly as I could, "why don't you measure it dear". We decided then that we would leave the others for another day! Probably the best decision for my blood pressure too!
This morning OH had to go out for a while and I got on with some jobs in our bedroom. First I pinned up the curtains which were draping the floor. I know the draped effect is fashionable but they were far too long and look much better now. I will get round to sewing them later. I moved a couple of pieces of furniture about, had a general tidy up and put a new cover and throw on the bed. Finally I hung a recently purchased canvas. The room looked much better, completely different and I felt pleased with the result.
OH came in shortly afterwards and I told him I had also had a busy couple of hours. "What have you been up to" he grinned and began looking round. Sitting room - no, kitchen - no, spare bedroom - no and then, finally, our bedroom. "Ahh" he said, looking round the door, "you've hung a picture!
I said nothing, nor about the picture I had just re-hung!