Friday 20 February 2009

An Award from Cheshire Wife

On 10 February Cheshire Wife kindly gave me the above award, for which I am extremely grateful. I hadn't forgotten about it, it's just that I am supposed to pass it on to 8 worthy bloggers and found the choice difficult. We all seem to be of the same mind when it comes to passing on these awards and find it hard to choose from the dozens of blogs that we have the pleasure of visiting regularly. So I am taking the easy way out and would like to offer this lovely award on to those who commented on my post of 10 February which was entitled "Computer Laughs". If you would like it please accept it with my thanks for lovely comments and for your own wonderful blogs.

I know that some of those who commented have already been given this award so I'm guessing that it may well work out to 8 anyway.


Sandi McBride said...

Congratulations on your award!

Pam said...

Congrats on your award! I love visiting your blog and I like the Watery Wednesday and Skywatch Friday thingy you do. Might have a go myself next week.
Have a great weekend.
Pam xx