Well, so much for being determined to a post each day through November. I began well enough but slid into lethargy last week and now, here we are, the very last day! Where does the time go?
It wasn't actually lethargy - I have been very busy and consequently very tired and I'm afraid blogging is the first thing to go whenever that is the case.
I had a telephone call late last Tuesday afternoon asking if I could take my mother to the hospital the following morning for a blood transfusion. We needed to be there for 9 am and as she had to have 2 units of blood, would be there most of the day. Of course that meant a double journey and also re-arrangement of plans already made. No problem as Mum is priority at the moment. The journey takes 35 minutes but I had to allow for morning traffic and the fact that Mum is slow, so we left home at 8 am. When I got Mum back home there was a letter waiting for her to say that she is to go into hospital for her operation on 14th December and will be in for about 5 days. So at least we know when and I now know that I have (now) 2 weeks to prepare for Christmas.
So, I have made lists, bought cards and written most of them - they will be posted later this week and made a start on the gift buying. I have made 4 Christmas cakes - one for a charity stall, one for us and the other 2 are gifts. Yesterday I put the almond paste on each of them and will decorate them over the coming 2 weeks.
Funnily enough, I think I will be more organised this year as I have found in other years, when my time has been limited for Christmas preparations (for various reasons), that most things have gone swimmingly!
Finally, an apology to those of you who aren't so organised - I'm not bragging - honestly!
PS - I just checked and I did 20 posts out of a possible 30 so not too bad.