I am about to do the same. I shall finish this post and then go and pack. I always fall into the same trap when my holiday comes around and have been known (on more than one occasion) to shriek "I'm never going on holiday again". To say I dislike packing to go away is an understatement. And somehow it's worse when I'm bound for Australia to visit the family. I always have to take a little something for each of the grandchildren and this time, of course, there is a new baby to buy for. And small though he may be and totally unaware of my impending visit, he probably has more parcels than the other two put together, various members of the family having asked if I would mind taking gifts. So those things will go in first and whatever room there is left and bearing in mind the weight limit, I shall cram whatever I can into my suitcase and hope for the best. Later today I will go to see my mother and pack for her also. We set off on Wednesday.
My long list of 'things to do' is getting shorter, thank goodness, although I carry a pad around with me at all times to jot down yet another task that must be done, as soon as it comes to mind.
On Sunday I finished the birthday cake I promised friends and will be delivering that later today. Hope they like it. I was pleased with it anyway.

In the meantime my cousin has telephoned to mention that she and another cousin are planning a surprise 80th birthday tea party for their respective mothers, who are twins. Would we be able to make the party and would I please make a cake. So I set to and baked the necessary and will think about the decoration when I return from my holiday.
Speaking of birthdays - it will be Bob's 67th on Wednesday, the day I'm jetting off. We did talk it through before the flights were booked and because we are on a bit of a tight time schedule vis-a-vis holidays, decided it was OK to go ahead. We will have a celebratory evening with friends when we visit them in October.
The day after we arrive in Australia it will be eldest grandson's 8th birthday - need I say more. Bob always says, with a wry smile that he knows exactly where he comes in the pecking order. And I know too! Where would I be without him!
So this is it for a short while - I may try to post something while I am away but if not I will see you in just over three weeks. Y'all take care now.
A x