Having been "out of the loop" a bit lately I have neglected to let you know that I have been given a chicken by Ann at
Retired and Crazy which I am to share with five others! Now Ann passed this to me on 26 April when I was a bit low in spirits, which was really thoughtful of her and is very remiss of me not to have mentioned it sooner. I hadn't forgotten, it's just that with one thing and another (the computer playing up and then just being too busy to concentrate on blog world) time has passed and here we are in the 2nd week in June! (we'll be buying Christmas cards next!).

So I am dishing up this chicken and would like to share it with:
Jay at
the Depp Effect because she will soon have another mouth to feed in the shape of Sid the greyhound.
Maggie at
Nuts in May. Maggie has been having a traumatic time dealing with unwanted visitors in her roof.
Denise at
An English Girl Rambles because she often goes out for the day and it could be useful in packed lunches.
Karen at
the Rubbish Diet because she wouldn't need to cook it and so save on fuel
Winifred at
Stop Procrastinating and Just do it so that she won't need to worry about cooking it either.
I am also honoured to have been chosen to receive this award from Joo at
Daily Haiku. I have only recently discovered this blog and it is a delight. I recommend you pay Joo's blog a visit - you won't regret it.

The rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of just passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to blogs you've recently discovered.
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. You can also make a comment about the person who gave the award to you by asking your readers to stop by their blog, pay them a visit, leave a comment, or even 'follow' their blog if they feel led to.
2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Just go to their site and leave a comment to one of their posts telling them you have an award for them and to please come by your blog to get it. Just a little note: You pick the number of blogs to pass the award to, just give it to those you have recently discovered.
So I am passing this to:
Gilly at
Winds of Change - Gilly hosts a lovely blog well worth a visit.
Arija who shares wonderful photographs on her blog.
Brenda at
It's a Beautiful Life who always has something uplifting to share.
My thanks again for these awards and to anyone and everyone who visits my blog and leaves a comment.