The month has provided a few celebrations. To begin with there were two birthdays - my son was 43 on 4th March and my mother 89 on 9th March. Son was still in Australia for his birthday but returned to the UK on the 11th with his wife and three children. They are going to be staying with DIL's parents in Worcester for a few weeks and are looking to settle there. So a few days after their return we travelled to see them and had a bit of a family get together to welcome them home. This coming weekend they will visit us and we are planning another party!
It was lovely to see them all again and to know that they are now living so much closer. They were in Australia for 7 years but I think the longing for "home" became too much, especially for my DIL, who really and truthfully didn't really want to go in the first place. They agreed at the time that they would give it a few years and if one of them really wanted to return to UK then they would. So they are here and I just hope that all goes well for them now. The two eldest children are already in school and seem to be settling well. Jacob (aged 10) has a teacher who comes from Australia!
My mother isn't too well at the moment and is due for a check up next week. I actually called her GP to see her today but he says there is nothing wrong. I don't agree and feel that it could well be old age that is now taking its toll. We will get next week over and then I shall take it a step further to try to discover what is wrong and how to help her. My daughter has had a bout of shingles and immediately followed that up with a really heavy cold but is now well on the road to recovery and should get back to work next week.
We have had lunches with friends which is ALWAYS a pleasure. Some have been impromptu and others planned, both out and at home. All great fun, with much reminiscing and laughter.
I managed to finish my bedroom chair covers and although they are not perfect I am very pleased with the result and the chair now looks so much nicer than it did.
My next project will be to re-line a favourite winter coat, with help, of course!
Finally a picture of Springtime in Somerset.