Many of you know I have been having difficulties with my computer for some time now and comments on my last post advised me that Firefox was the way to go! A big thank you to all of you. I have now downloaded Firefox and - so far, so good!
I have really missed blogging and visiting blogworld friends so I'm hoping that in future I won't be having the trouble encountered recently. I know too that some of you have been having problems with my site. I honestly don't know if things will improve for you now - I do hope so.
Anyway - I have been taking some photos in the garden recently so here is a photographic update. Don't forget you can enlarge any photo by clicking on it.
There has been a lot of activity in and around this nest box and we are very hopeful of seeing some baby blue tits any time soon.

The beautiful goldfinches are still visiting although this picture is a few weeks old (the tree is still in bud in the photo)

Here a pair of young blackbirds are sharing some apple - I always feel sorry for the young birds when they first visit the garden as they stand around, seemingly wondering what to do next!

squirrel tries to get his balance

before getting into the birdhouse for breakfast

but sometimes just likes to sit in the basket

In the pond the tadpoles are doing well

and the kingcups put on a wonderful display

We have had some primula

some orange flowers (don't know what these are called) and in the winter lovely orange berries

and this flower is always lovely - I think it is called ajuga (bugle) - an excellent ground cover plant

these little roses have a delicate scent and are so pretty

For me seeing aquilegia in flower is a real sign of summer on its way

With a bank holiday looming again and an assurance from the weather man of some sunshine I am hoping to get some more work done in the garden this weekend. Next week I have two celebration cakes to ice and decorate so then any work outside will have to wait.